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Developer Portal

What is a Developer Portal ?

The Developer Portal is a tool that simplifies the process of developer onboarding by self-signup and automates the interaction of developers with the services published using the API manager. A developer can register an application and add different products that are published by the organization. For products with automatic approval, the developer is able to interact directly with the APIs grouped as part of the product. Alternatively, the administrator of the concerned organization can approve the subscription at a later point.

Why is the Developer Portal Needed ?

With simplified developer interaction, the number of developers interested will grow giving the APIs exposure to a larger audience. A large developer community helps in fine-tuning the APIs keeping them on par with industry standards.

How does Developer Portal Work ?

Upon signing up to the Fiorano Developer Portal, an admin user is created. Once logged in, the administrator, acting as a developer, is able to explore different APIs in products and build new applications as explained in the sections below:

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