API Analytics
Analytics in the Developer Portal can be used to analyze the utilization of APIs by a developer.
A Site Administrator can analyze deeply based on Clients/Applications/Products in a required time period.
A Developer can analyze based on his own Applications in the required time period.
DB details should be configured by the site administrator in Fiorano API Dashboard to see data in Analytics.
The analytics graph generated will look like the below for the Traffic metric.
Chart Configuration Settings
Admin can change default Chart configurations. To modify chart configurations, follow the below steps.
- Login as admin. Select 'Extend ' from Menu.
- Expand 'Charts' module and click on 'Configure' as shown below.
- Default configuration will be as below.
- Chart Type: Column.
- Charting Library: High Charts.
Charts will be shown as below when Chart Type is changed.
User can analyze multiple metrics data at same time:
When selecting a Client/Product/Application, if there is data present in the provided time period Clients/Products/Applications list will be updated accordingly.
When there is no analytics data found in the provided time period, below message will be shown.
Installing new Charting Libraries
To install other charting libraries, follow below steps.
- Below are the libraries which are available.
To install a library say 'charts_c3', open README.txt present in charts_c3 folder and follow the steps mentioned in that file.
Perform the operations mentioned in README.txt on composer.json file present in FioranoDeveloperPortal installation path.
- As mentioned in README.txt file, modify composer.json accordingly.
- After modifying composer.json, execute the commands mentioned in README.txt as below.
- After installation, libraries corresponding to charts_c3 module will be updated in libraries folder as shown below.
- Login as site administrator. Select Extend from the Menu. Select 'C3 Charts' from the list and click the Install button.
- The newly installed library will be now available for generating graphs and this can be selected in Charting Library dropdown as below.
If any chart configurations are modified, drupal cache has to be cleared for the changes to get reflected.