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Manage API Products and Client Subscriptions

API Projects section illustrated creating projects with preferred policies added to them and attaching the needed resources as well. This section illustrates creating products that provide access to a set of projects powered by an API Key.

Why do we need API Products?

API Products are grouped collections of API projects that can be provided to clients. The projects can be grouped based on the client needs to satisfy a certain set of requirements. Every product will have its own consumer key to restrict a client from using resources meant for other clients.

Products ease project re-usability and meet client requirements without having to create separate projects for each and every client's needs.

How to Manage API Products and Client Subscriptions?

Go to the Applications section present in the Fiorano API Management Dashboard to get started.

Figure 1: Landing screen for Apps section

In this panel, a set of projects can be encapsulated to form a product and these products can be accessed by creating Client and Client subscriptions that generate the Access Key to reach out to the products added in the Client Subscription. 

Customer Key for API access is generated only after creating the Client Subscription.

Select the respective Server Group from the drop-down and click the name of an existing product in the Products column to see product details. Refer to the Products section to know how to add a product.

Figure 2: Applications page with a product selected

Products, Clients, Client Subscriptions and Organizations

Detailed information about the Applications module is explained in the sections below:

In each section, there are options to perform analysis and to manage Permissions.


The Permissions tab present next to the Analytics tab enables managing permissions pertaining to a specific product/client/subscription without using the API Projects section or navigating to the Permissions option under the API Project section inside a particular project.

Figure 3: Permissions option present in the Applications section (available for Products, Organizations, Clients and Client Subscriptions)

Refer to the Permissions section to understand the utility of this option.


Refer to the Products section as Monetization is available only in the Products.

Figure 4: Monetization option present in the Applications section (Products, Clients and Client Subscriptions)


The Analytics tab present next to the Configuration tab enables analysis of the performance of a specific product/client/subscription without going to the Analytics section.

Figure 5: Analytics option present in the Applications section (Products, Clients and Client Subscriptions)

Refer to the Analyze API Performance section to understand the utility of this option.

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