The HL72XML component is used to parse HL7 (Health Level Seven) v2.x document and convert it to XML format.
HL7 v2.x is a messaging standard used to define how information is packaged and communicated between different systems in hospital workflows.
An equivalent XML format (XML Schema) is defined for each HL7 v2.x message format. The component, upon receiving an HL7 v2.x message, will convert it into an appropriate XML message that conforms to any of the XML Schemas defined.
Component Configuration
Figure 1: Component configuration
Error handling configuration
Please refer Error Handling section in Common Configurations page.
Figure 2: Error Handling Configuration
Output schema
If the component receives message of same format at all times, then XML schema of that message format can be provided here using schema editor which opens-up on clicking the ellipsis
Figure 3: Output Schema editor to provide XML schema that support Input Messages of same format
The component will convert any valid HL7 v2.x message to respective XML message conforming to XML schemas defined for HL7 messages, irrespective of the schema provided here. Defining an XML schema here will only set the schema on the input port of the component so that any required transformations can be defined using the schema.
Do not define the Schema here if the component can receive messages in different HL7 format. Instead the schemas should be loaded manually into the output structure of Mapper tool defining transformations.
XML Schema files for hl7 messages are located at location FIORANO_HOME/xml-catalog/fiorano/hl7.
Enable input validation
Enable this property to validate the Input to conform with the HL7 message rules.
Validation Type
Figure 4: Validation Type appears after enabling Input Validation
This property appears only when Enable input validation property is enabled.
- DEFAULT: Messages will be validated with standard HL7 message rules.
- CONFORMANCE PROFILE: Message will be validated with the conformance profile file configured for its type. Default validation is performed if conformance profile is not configured for a specific type. When this option is chosen, Conformance Profile Configuration property appears where the configuration can be set.
Conformance Profile Configuration
Click the ellipsis
Figure 5: Conformance Profile Configuration property appears after choosing the respective Validation Type
This property appears only when the Validation Type property is chosen as 'Conformance Profile'.
Click the Conformance Profile configuration ellipsis button and click Add in the dialog box to add the following attributes pertaining to Conformance Profile:
- Message Type
- Trigger Event
- File Path
Figure 6: Dialog box to set Conformance Profile Configuration
Input contains multiple messages
Select this check box if input contains multiple HL7 messages delimited by a character.
Message Delimiter
Provide delimited character in hex format.
Figure 7: Message Delimiter property to specify delimiter character
Custom HL7 Message Packages
The Table contains a Map for version of HL7Message mapped to the list of provided Custom packages separted by delimeter ;
this option is seen only if Show Expert Properties is enabled.
Elements to Encrypt
Select the elements to encrypt in output. Elements in the Input Message will be decrypted and those in Output Message will be encrypted.
Functional Demonstration
Scenario 1
This scenario explains the basic functionality of HL72XML component.
Create flow by connecting HL72XML to feeder and display components. Send sample input (valid HL7 message) to check the response (transformed XML message).
The HL7 input is sent from the feeder and the corresponding XML output can be seen in display.
Figure 8: Sample Event Process
Sample Input
PID|1|^^^^^^|NNTV19880113^^^Other^Other^^^^Other^^0~NNTV88011300^^^CANQC^Other^^^^Other^^51~NNTV0013^^^Other^Other^^^^Other^^26||NNTEST13^V12TEST13^^||19880113|F|||13 STREET^^ABJOU^^J1K2L3|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PRT|1|||OP^Physician|79335^ZAPHIRATOS^THOMAS^^^|||||||||202 - 7200 HUTCHISON^^MONTRÉAL^Qc^H3N 1Z2|Work^514^4957932^||^^
PRT|2|||PO^Lab||||ZAPHIRATOS, T. DR.^^^^^GDML^^^^LLZAPHIR||||||7200 Hutchison^^MONTREAL^Qc^H3N 1Z2|Work^495^2555^^Fax^495^7932^||^^
NTE|1|L||This requisition was edited and resaved on the2014/02/07 12:06:52 (GMT-05:00)|GR
OBR|1||3872090|2054^GLUCOSE POS 1:2 H^GDML^^^^^^|R||20140206163434|||||||||||||^BIOCHEMISTRY|||||I||||
Figure 9: Sample Input used in the feeder
Figure 10: Output generated in the Display window in XML format
Please refer to http://www.hl7.org/ for more information about HL7 messages.