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Configuring Analytics Database

All analytics data being tracked at the proxy are stored and fetched from the analytics database for processing. To enable data storage and processing, a third Party installation of PostgreSQL DB Server is required. The sections below illustrate the PostgreSQL configuration.

Installing and configuring PostgreSQL

  1. Download PostgreSQL from
  2. Install PostgreSQL (9.6 or a higher version) on the machine where the Analytics Database is to be created.
  3. Create a preferred username, set a password and create the database.
  4. Download the PostgreSQL JDBC driver for JVM from
  5. Provide the jar path in the server.conf file at FIORANO_HOME/esb/server/bin.

    Figure 1: Providing the jar path in the server.conf file

Configuring the Analytics Database

Postgre DB details are stored in the apidb.cfg file present in the $FIORANO_HOME/esb/server/profiles/server1/AMS/conf directory. JDBC properties need to be configured in this config file for the Analytics database to connect to the PostgreSQL.

Analytics database can be configured using any one of the following ways:

The apidb.cfg file gets updated after making these changes.

From eStudio

When the servers are not running, the configuration can be done from the Profile Management perspective in eStudio. Perform the following actions for the same:

  1. Launch the Profile Management perspective from Window > Open perspective > Profile Management and open the APIMANAGER profile.
  2. Go to APIMANAGER > Fiorano > APIManager > analytics > APIAnalyticsManager.
  3. Change values of JDBC properties based on the database used.

    Descriptions of each property:
    Database NameJDBC DriverJDBC Connection URL (Default Formats)JDBC Properties
    IBM DB2sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriverjdbc:odbc:sampledb2_jdbc.cfg
    MS Accesssun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriverjdbc:odbc:Driver={Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb)};DBQ=D:\\tif\\bin\\sp\\sbw.mdbmsaccess_jdb.cfg
    MS SQL<ip-address>:<port>;SelectMethod=Cursormssql_jdbc.cfg

    MS SQL 2005

    or later<ip-address>:<port>;databaseName=<databaseName>;SelectMethod=Cursormssql_jdbc.cfg
    1. sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
    2. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    1. jdbc:odbc:sample
    2. jdbc:mysql://<ip-address>:<port>/<databasename>
    Apache Derbyorg.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver


    • DerbyDB will be created within the user directory (set in fiorano_vars)
    • ESB_DEFAULT_DB_DIR will be resolved to ESB_USER_DIR/EnterpriseServers/<profilename>
    Postgre SQLorg.postgresql.Driverjdbc:postgresql://<ip-address>:<port>/<databasename>pgsql_jdbc.cfg

    Descriptions of common properties are listed below:

    PropertiesDescriptionsDefault Value
    JDBC Login NameUsername to be used for jdbc database connection<DB dependent>
    JDBC PasswordPassword to be used for jdbc database connection<DB dependent>
    Auto ReconnectBoolean to specify whether SP should try for reconnection with DB automatically.Enable/Disable
    Try Reconnect IntervalInterval (in secs) after which SP tries to reconnect with DB in case of a break in connection.5

    Figure 2: Analytics DB properties in the DB Configuration for API Management dialog box in eStudio

From the API Dashboard

The analytics database can be configured from the API Dashboard itself.

  1. Go to the Server Groups section in the API management dashboard Admin module.
  2. Select the environment (Server Group) for which the Analytics database needs to be configured.
  3. Change values of JDBC properties based on the database used. 

    Descriptions of each property:
    Database NameJDBC DriverJDBC Connection URL (Default Formats)JDBC Properties
    IBM DB2sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriverjdbc:odbc:sampledb2_jdbc.cfg
    MS Accesssun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriverjdbc:odbc:Driver={Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb)};DBQ=D:\\tif\\bin\\sp\\sbw.mdbmsaccess_jdb.cfg
    MS SQL<ip-address>:<port>;SelectMethod=Cursormssql_jdbc.cfg

    MS SQL 2005

    or later<ip-address>:<port>;databaseName=<databaseName>;SelectMethod=Cursormssql_jdbc.cfg
    1. sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
    2. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    1. jdbc:odbc:sample
    2. jdbc:mysql://<ip-address>:<port>/<databasename>
    Apache Derbyorg.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver


    • DerbyDB will be created within the user directory (set in fiorano_vars)
    • ESB_DEFAULT_DB_DIR will be resolved to ESB_USER_DIR/EnterpriseServers/<profilename>
    Postgre SQLorg.postgresql.Driverjdbc:postgresql://<ip-address>:<port>/<databasename>pgsql_jdbc.cfg

    Descriptions of common properties are listed below:

    PropertiesDescriptionsDefault Value
    JDBC Login NameUsername to be used for jdbc database connection<DB dependent>
    JDBC PasswordPassword to be used for jdbc database connection<DB dependent>
    Auto ReconnectBoolean to specify whether SP should try for reconnection with DB automatically.Enable/Disable
    Try Reconnect IntervalInterval (in secs) after which SP tries to reconnect with DB in case of a break in connection.5

    Figure 3: Analytics DB properties in the Server Groups section in the Administration section of API Dashboard

Configuring the Mail Server to receive Analytics notifications

For receiving Analytics notifications, the Mail Server section can be configured in the Admin module of the API Management dashboard.

Refer to the Mail Server section to see the properties that need to be updated.

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