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Mail Server

The Mail Server enables sending Analytics notification emails, connecting with the Developer Portal.

 A valid SMTP configuration is required to configure the mail server and use this server to send and receive emails. The SMTP server can be secured by setting authentication using username and password credentials.

Figure 1: SMTP configuration properties for the Mail Server

Server NameProvide the SMTP Server name. Provide 'localhost' if the server is running in the local system.
Smtp Server PortProvide the port number of the SMTP server port.
Sender EmailEmail address of the sender.
Server Connection Type

Select from the options below:

Authentication Required

Select 'yes' to set authentication using username and password credentials.

After providing the authentication details, clicking the Validate button to check the test authentication.

SMTP PropertiesSettings to avail access to an SMTP server. Provide property and value.

Ensure clicking the Save button to save the configuration


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