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Orion Application Server

FioranoMQ can be integrated with Orion. Execute the following steps to integrate the Orion Application Server with FioranoMQ:

Since Oracle 9iAS has licensed Orion, the procedure, below, should also work well with it.

While starting up Orion the fmq-rtl.jar (located in the /fmq/lib directory of the FioranoMQ installation package) needs to be present in the CLASSPATH.

  1. When integrating an external JMS system with Orion, the implementation of an interface defined by Orion called ResourceProvider is provided by the external JMS system. A default implementation of the interface is provided by Orion that allows a User to plug in a JMS that is JNDI enabled. FioranoMQ is JNDI enabled but the current default implementation of the ResourceProvider interface is for an older version of the Resource Provider and may not work. FioranoMQ provides its own implementation of the ResourceProvider interface called ContextScanningResourceProvider.class. This file replaces the default file available in the orion.jar library.
  2. Modify the application.xml located in %Orion_HOME%\config directory. This .xml defines the implementation of the Resource Provider interface that is used by the Orion Server.
  3. The file server.xml defines the configuration parameters for the Orion Server. Information about any Application/Bean that is to be loaded or deployed at startup is given in this file. In FioranoMQ, this application is a simple MDB with auto-start=true. The Orion Server looks for the ear file of the Application/Bean along the path provided. The correct path of the file mdb.ear must to be added to the server.xml file.
  • The portion of the JMS server located in server.xml at %Orion_HOME%\config needs to be commented out to prevent the startup of Orion's JMS Server.
  • This file holds parameters that are needed for loading Connection Factories and is available at
  • Unzip the complete application ( located at %ORION_HOME%. [Link?] Replace the server.xml and application.xml in %Orion_HOME%\config and then run the application. The file is a sample client that sends a single message on FioranoMQ. The onMessage() method of MDB is invoked on receipt of this message.
  • Specify the ack mode of the session created by the MDB. If not specified, the ack mode results in -1, which is not allowed. To change this the following modifications, below, must be made to the ejb-jar.xml:

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