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Application Server Integration


Implementing Advanced JMS APIs

In this JMS-Application Serverintegrationthe JMS provider implements advanced JMS APIs. These APIs deliver messages to consumers within the context of an Application Server session.

Download the sample (AppServer-JMS Sample Applications) that illustrates the utility of JMS APIs, which allow Application Server Sessions to be registered with the FioranoMQ JMS Server. Messages are delivered to the consumers within the context of the Application Server Session.

Message Driven Beans

FioranoMQ integrates with most Application Servers to provide the Message Driven Bean function.
Message-Driven Beans (MDB's) are stateless, server-sided and transaction-aware components used to process asynchronous JMS messages. Introduced in EJB 2.0, message-driven beans process messages that are delivered through the Java Message Service. MDBs can receive JMS messages and process them. While a MDB is responsible for processing messages, its container automatically manages the entire environment of the component including transactions, security, resources, concurrency and message acknowledgment.

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