The Work List component enables you to define manual intervention based business processes to define rules to perform time-based or role-based escalation of designated tasks.Every user can use the web interface to access the designated tasks and perform the action as required and available based on the role.
Points to note
- To use the web interface, please start the ESB Web Container and access http://localhost:1980/worklistexplorer.
- All WorkList components should be running on the same peer as the WorkListManager component.
- Changing the Node Name at runtime for WorkList and Aggregator Components is not supported. Unlike other components, WorkList and Aggregator components have state information written to the local disk.Moving the Worklist (or Aggregator) from one peer server to another one results in state data loss. In case of WorkList, not only the data loss, the external application, that is, WorkList web application will not show work items saved in the WorkList after the node change.
Component Configuration
Figure1: WorkList Configuration Property Sheet
Worklist Configuration
If enabled, Work items will be moved to expiry store after expiry date.
Default Expiry Timeout(milli secs)
Default expiry time, if the componant is unable to parse the expiry time present in the worklist item.
WorkList Configuration
Click the Ellipsis
Figure 2: WorkList Configuration dialog box with PortMap added
UserID of the user to whom the Worklist component belongs.
Name of the Database table that contains the tasks of the worklist.
Mapping for ports and their Actions.
Output port actions are 'Release to Port' and 'Assign To' as seen in the dialog box above.
DB Configuration
Database options are HSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, IBM DB2, Microsoft Access, ODBC Datasources, Others.
Refer Database Configuration section in the DB page for the configuration settings.
Maximum number of rows to be fetched.
Time after which the component must try for a reconnection.
Ping Count in every Ping Interval.
Enables Alert Port functionality.
Useful Tips
- To achieve high availability for Stateful components, configure the back-end data store in clustered/HA relational database, like Oracle, DB2, and so on. Or deploy the components on a Peer Server that is running in Shared HA mode.
Character encoding of web pages can be changed in %FIORANO_HOME%\esb\server\jetty\fes\webapps\workListexplorer\WEB-INF\web.xml. By default this value is set to UTF-8 in web.xml as shown in following fragment of web.xml:
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <filter> <filter-name>EncodingFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>worklistexplorer.EncodingFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>encoding</param-name> <param-value>UTF-8</param-value> </init-param> </filter>