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SalesForce 5.0 microservice simplifies the process of connecting's Bulk API. SalesForce 5.0 microservice helps to query, insert, update, upsert, or delete multiple records. Records can be submitted in XML, JSON, or CSV formats.


Component Configuration

Various properties pertaining to the microservice ca be configured in the CPS (Configuration Property Sheet) as displayed below.

Figure 1: Component Configuration panel

Error handling configuration

The remedial actions to be taken when a particular error occurs can be configured using this attribute. 

Click the ellipsis button against this property to configure Error Handling properties for different types of Errors. By default, the options Log to error logs, Stop service and Send to error port are enabled.

Refer the Error Handling section in the Common Configurations page for detailed information.

Login Configuration

Click the Login Configuration ellipsis 

 button to configure the properties.

Figure 2: Login Parameters panel

This property specifies the parameters which need to be passed to while logging. Parameters like username, password etc. can be specified here. While entering password details, the security token should be concatenated with it to make authentication successful.

Selected Objects

This property helps to choose from the objects listed in the to which the operations are applied. This property lists all the objects in the including custom SObjects.

Figure 3: Selected SObject panel

The buttons present in the Selected SObjects dialog box are described in the table below.

>To include an object from the list of objects in the left panel.
<To exclude an object from the list of objects in the right panel.
reloadTo refresh the left panel to update with new objects/custom objects.

Multiple SObjects cannot be selected from the left panel and therefore only one object can be configured at a time.

Content Type

The records can be represented in the following formats:

  • XML
  • JSON
  • CSV 

Operation Type

Operations that can be done in the are:

  • Create
  • Update
  • Upsert
  • Delete
  • Query

Select the appropriate operation type from the drop-down.

Create Operation

This property specifies the bulk operation which is used to create records in

Sample Input

When the Content Type is selected as XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sObjects xmlns="">
      <Name>Test Inc.</Name>
Update Operation

This property specifies the bulk operation which is used to update the records in

Sample Input

When the Content Type is selected as XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sObjects xmlns="">
      <Name>Test Inc.</Name>
Upsert Operation

This property specifies the bulk operation which is used to insert records automatically in depending upon the existing row.

Sample Input

When the Content Type is selected as XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sObjects xmlns="">
      <Name>Test Inc.</Name>
Delete Operation

This property specifies the bulk operation which is used to delete the records in based on the ID specified.

Sample Input

When the Content Type is selected as XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sObjects xmlns="">
Query Operation

This property specifies the bulk operation which is used to query the records in based on the condition specified.

Sample Input

When the Content Type is selected as XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns1:SalesForce xmlns:ns1="http://schema/salesforce5">
   <ns1:Query>SELECT id,Name, accountnumber from account</ns1:Query>

The query operation is used only for the XML type of records.

Similarly, when the Content Type property is selected as 'JSON', the sample input for the Create operation is given below:

Sample input for JSON


 "Name": "Xyz",
 "Description": "Test1",
 "AccountNumber": "ABC15797531"
 }, {
 "Name": "Xyz",
 "Description": "Test2",
 "AccountNumber": "ABC24689753"

Similarly, when the Content Type property is selected as 'CSV', the sample input for the Create operation is given below:

Sample input for CSV


Monitor Batch Status

If enabled, then the 'Monitoring Interval' property will appear as shown in the figure below. The time interval in milliseconds after which status of the batch is sent to the Status Port.

Figure 4: Monitor Interval option

Functional Demonstration


Configure the Salesforce microservice as described in the Configuration section above to create accounts SObject on and use the Feeder and Display microservices to send sample input and check the response respectively.

Figure 5: Demonstrating scenario with sample input and output

Input Message 

Sample Input

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sObjects xmlns="">
      <Name>Test Inc.</Name>

Output Message

Figure 6:  Output Message

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