The PrintPdf component can be used to print a PDF file onto a local or remote printer. This component uses Adobe executable to print PDF file.
Points to note
- This component can be used on Windows platform only.
- This component cannot be launched manually on the peer server.
Configuration and Testing
The component can be configured using the Configuration Property Sheet (CPS) as explained in the following sections.
Component Configuration
Figure 1: PrintPDF CPS
The following parameters can be configured from the Custom Property Sheet of the component.
Error handling configuration
The actions to be taken when a particular error occurs can be configured here. Click the ellipsis
Please refer the Error Handling section in Common Configurations page for documentation.
PrintPDF Configuration
Click the ellipsis button against this property to edit the configuration of PrintPDF component.
Figure 2: PrintPDF Configuration dialog box
Adobe Executable
The location were the Executable file of the Adobe application is present.
Default Printer
The Printer Name is used as the default 'printer' when no name is specified in the input.
Wait Time
The time, in milli seconds, the component should wait for the printer to print the file.
Validate Printer
If enabled, the printer name specified is validated.
Sample Input and Output
Configure the parameters mentioned in Configuration and Testing section. A Feeder component can be used to provide input and a Display component to receive the output from the PrintPdf component.
The component is configured to print a PDF file to a local printer in this example.
Launch the flow and send the sample input through Feeder component.
The PDF file is opened using the specified Adobe executable before it is sent to the printer. The file is closed automatically after the specified wait time and the component sends an XML message which contains FilePath, PrinterName and Message elements on to its output.
An error document will be sent to the ON_EXCEPTION port of the component if one of the following cases is encountered:
- If the printer name specified is not valid
- If the path of the PDF file given in the input is not valid
- If the path of the Adobe executable provided is not valid
There will not be any error document if the print is not successful.
Below figure shows the sample input and output for the scenario mentioned.
Figure 3: Components connected as per scenario
Figure 4: Sample Input sent from Feeder
Figure 5: Output Generated
Useful Tips
- Configure the component for a local printer connected to the production box where FPS runs.
- Use Adobe Version 8.0 or later for printing the file.
- When the print fails, it does not report the failure.
- After a system restart, print does not work for some initial attempts.
- FPS on which the component is running should not be launched as NTService.
- The system has to be restarted if printing stops after processing many requests.