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Changing Security Database Implementation

Security-related information (user, groups, and ACLs) is by default stored in a file-based data store inside the runtimedata directory of the server. Using Fiorano Studio Profile Manager, the implementation can be changed before starting the server to LDAP, RDBMS or XML-type storage. This section explains the configuration steps required to change the implementation.

Security Related MBeans

Security-related components are found in default ESB profiles in Fiorano > Security domain. Object Names for these components are:


Figure 1: Security related components

The figure above shows the position of these components in the component tree as seen from an off-line configuration tool (the Profile Manager).

Modifying ACLManager Implementation

  1. Open the profile for off-line editing through the Profile Manager
  2. Browse the tree to reach the node Fiorano > security > AclManager. Click on the current ACL Manager MBean.
  3. In the properties panel, click on the value of the Implementation property and choose the desired value from the drop-down menu.

    Figure 2: Implementation property to modify ACLManager implementation

  4. Right-click the FES node and select Save from the pop-up menu.

Modifying Principal Manager Implementation

  1. Open the desired profile for off-line editing through the Profile Manager.
  2. Browse the tree to reach Fiorano > security > PrincipalManager and click on the current Principal Manager Mbean as shown in the figure below.
  3. In the property panel, click on the value of the Implementation property and choose a desired value from the drop-down list.

    Figure 3: Implementation property to modify Principal Manager implementation

  4. Right-click on the FES node and select Save from the pop-up menu

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