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The DB Policy helps to execute simple queries like insert, update, delete and select records from database.


The properties that have to be configured to use the policy are described below.

DataBaseThis property determines the vendor of the database. Supported database vendor names are present in the drop-down list.
DriverThe Driver class name that should be used to connect to the database.
URLThe location where the required database is running.
User NameThe username that should be used to connect to the database.
PasswordThe password for the specified user.
Query Type

The SQL query type to be executed. The user can select one of the SQL query types from SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE.

Query TypeDescription
INSERTInserts/adds data into the database table
UPDATEModifies existing data in the database table
DELETEDeletes data from the database table
SELECTRetrieves data from the database table
SQL StatementThis property determines the queries that have to be executed.

The DB Policy helps in execute simple queries like insert, update, delete or select records from the database.


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