Click the Add button to open the New ClientSubscription dialog box. In the Client Subscription ID field, provide a name for the Client subscription so that the API can set access for the client internally.
Figure 1:Option to add a Client Subscription with an ID
Provide the required details under the Configuration tab and click Save button to apply the changes.
The name provided while creating the client subscription gets auto-populated.
App Name
Provide a name for client subscription to identify the subscription.
Client ID
Select the client ID from the drop-down list. Client ID provided in the Client Configuration is available here.
Provide the status of the client subscription from the options below:
Active: Activates the subscription for the client.
Pending: Keeps the subscription in a hold state. This can be used while awaiting data.
Revoked: Closed state were the subscription is not available for the client.
API Products
Add the required products from the Available Products section.
Click the Edit button and then select and move the products using the left arrow button.
Figure 3: Editor to add existing products to the subscription
To add additional properties, click the Add button corresponding to the Properties section and then add the name and corresponding values.
Describe about the subscription for future reference.
Click the Save button to apply the changes after adding product(s) in the subscription (click the Cancel button to discard the changes).
With the above steps performed, the new Client Subscription gets added to the choice of product(s).
After saving the client subscription, to edit the properties of the product, make the required changes in the configuration panel and then click Save again.
To remove a subscription completely, select the subscription name under the Client Subscriptions tab in the left navigation panel and click the Remove button.
Generating API Key
After saving the details above, refer to the Generating API Key section to generate API Key for the client subscription of the product.
Managing Key Approval
When a product whose key approval is marked Manual (if Key Approval Type property of Figure 2 in Products page is selected as 'Manual') is added to a client subscription, the corresponding keys will not be available for the developers immediately. So, to approve the keys, the administrator needs to modify the corresponding application which is present as a client subscription.
In the Client Subscription Configuration page, click the product name which has the Manual type Key Approval and select the Approve check box,which appears along with the Consumer Key that gets generated, for key approval after which the keys will be visible to the developer.
Figure 4: Approve option to approve Product Key manually
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