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Adding a Project

After the Server Group is created, a project can be added. To add a proxy project to an existing backend REST/HTTP service, perform the following actions:

  1. Open the API Management Dashboard and click the API Projects prompt to navigate to the API Projects page.

    Figure 1: API Projects prompt in API Dashboard
  2. Click the Add API Project  
      button present at the upper-right side of the screen and
     select an option. For example, select the From REST/HTTP Service option.

    Figure 2: Navigating to New Backend Service dialog box

  3. Provide the details of the API project in the New Backend Service dialog box that appears. Provide the Display name, Backend Service URL and Project Context Path, and set the method needed for both Backed Service URL and Project Context Path in the corresponding method fields given.


    Method: GET

  4. Click OK to finish editing and save the project to the repository.

Refer to the Adding Projects section to know about the various types of projects that may be added.

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