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Monitoring and Management features


FioranoMQ provides a comprehensive set of Administration APIs that allow the Enterprise Administrator to access MQ services such as MQNamingService, MQAdminService, MQRealmService, MQSnooperService and MQDispatcherService.

Admin Objects

FioranoMQ installation comes up with a set of destinations, connections factories, users and groups with default configurations and Access control lists (ACLs). One can either use this default set of administered objects by modifying their configurations or create new objects with custom configurations.


FioranoMQ incorporates tracing and logging facilities for easy detection of errors in the messaging system. The FioranoMQ Administrator can dynamically set different tracing levels for each individual FioranoMQ components.


Configuring Logger


Monitoring the FioranoMQ message throughput statistics and getting notifications about any special events configured.

Server Thread Dumps

Threads in FioranoMQ server, corresponding to each JMS client connection, will be monitored and if they take more than the configured socket time-out value to finish any request from the client application such as produce/consume message, create JMS objects etc, each server thread's stack traces will be dumped which, in turn, can be used to analyse the reason for time-outs.

Audit Management

Auditing provides an insight into the running of FioranoMQ while, more importantly, providing a means of accountability for changes administered within the system. Auditing is helpful in detecting security violations and conducting post-mortem analysis on information provided so as to find the root cause of a problem.


Audit Management

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