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Data Protection

The secure version of FioranoMQ Server protects the integrity and privacy of all the messages exchanged between the client and the server.

The integrity feature verifies that message content on delivery matches the original published form. Corruption of data can be accidental or intentional. FioranoMQ uses the cryptographic checksum Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm to validate the message content integrity.

FioranoMQ ensures the privacy of a message by using encryption. Encryption scrambles the message content before sending it over the network and restores the original form on delivery. If the message is intercepted before delivery (if someone attempts to read it as it travels over the network), the details are available in an unreadable form. By default, FioranoMQ encrypts messages to provide privacy using a 40-bit encryption provided by the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. FioranoMQ allows customization of the cipher suite. For example, it is possible to switch from DES 40-bit encryption to 128-bit RSA encryption (domestic version only), or to switch between various available 40-bit encryption algorithms, by setting the SSL parameters.

FioranoMQ 7.0 onwards provides seamless integration with NT realms. The need for the Enterprise Administrator to set up separate user realms for MQ is made obsolete. FioranoMQ integrate seamlessly with existing NT/Solaris realms.

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