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Chapter 10: Durable Connections

Network reliability is a common problem faced in designing a system spread over multiple machines. Enterprises across the world spend a large amount of their time and resources on network management, but it remains that network links cannot be 100% reliable. Mission critical applications cannot afford to lose data in any eventuality and must always be built with this premise of unreliability. This requires that application programmers build a 'store and forward' layer in their Application infrastructures. This store and forward layer involves storing precious data upon detecting network loss, taking corrective action and resending the previously cached data again.
The JMS standard requires middleware to build the 'store and forward' mechanisms for consumers. This is achieved by marking a consumer 'durable'. If a consumer is unavailable, the server holds onto the messages. These messages are delivered when the consumer becomes available again. This standard JMS feature ensures that durable consumers always receive messages. JMS does not provide a similar level of reliability for a producer. If the server is unavailable the send mechanism of the producer fails, resulting in an appropriate exception. This forces applications to implement 'store' on the client side and transfer this data when connectivity is restored.
FioranoMQ enhances the capability of JMS support to provide the 'store and forward' function at the client end as well (in addition to the durable consumers on the server). This function allows JMS applications to continue all publish operations even if the server is un-available, freeing up applications from all network related problems. A network disruption is thus not visible for a JMS application built over FioranoMQ.

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