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Chapter 1: Installation and Startup

This page serves as a startup document to assist users of FioranoMQ. It introduces users to the components of FioranoMQ and briefly explains how they work. A more comprehensive set of documentation on FioranoMQ can be found in the fmq\docs directory of the FioranoMQ installation directory.

To un-tar the UNIX installation file, it is advisable to use GNU tar as the other tars may create problems.

System and Software Requirements

The system requirements for the FioranoMQ Server is summarized in the following table.



PlatformFioranoMQ Server and clients can run on any platform that supports JRE 1.7. Supported platforms include Microsoft Windows, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux, IBM AIX and HP-UX.

Hard disk drive

300 MB of free disk space is required for full installation of FioranoMQ.


Minimum of 2 GB of RAM is recommended for optimal performance of FioranoMQ for a mid-range installation.


Minimum of 200 MHz CPU is required for basic installation.

Temporary Storage Space Requirements

For a Wizard Based installation, FioranoMQ uses a temporary directory in which it extracts all the files necessary to install the FioranoMQ Server on the target system. The extracted files are deleted from the temporary directory at the end of the installation process. A minimum free disk space of around 300 MB in the drive that has the configured Temp directory is required for installing FioranoMQ Server. 

Software Requirements

FioranoMQ Server, clients, and tools require a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for their operations. Minimal JDK version that is used to run FioranoMQ and associated tools is 1.7. Fiorano recommends using the 64-bit version of JVM to avail maximum heap usage by Fiorano Process on a 64-bit platform. For the user convenience, a default version of Sun's JRE (version 1.7.0_60) is packaged with the Windows installer. Presently, we are not recommending JRE 8 for running FioranoMQ Replicated HA Servers.

File Descriptors

On UNIX platforms, the number of File Descriptors required by the server process must be increased beyond the default value. The recommended value is 10,000 (The number of file handles). The launch scripts for UNIX automatically do this if they are given the required authorization.

FioranoMQ Directory Structure

Default Installation Directory

By default, FioranoMQ is installed at _C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoMQxxxx_ directory on Windows. Since there is no default installation directory on UNIX, the user can install FioranoMQ at any location. For example, /usr/FioranoMQ/.

Directory Structure

The installation directory contains the following sub-directories:

  • _uninstall/ - Contains FioranoMQ uninstallation information.
  • DSInstance - Contains the configuration information for starting the Directory Service (DS). Also, the run-time data of the DS is stored onto this directory.
  • extlib - Contains the external libraries and third party software used by Fiorano.
  • fmq - Contains platform-independent Java archives that implement the FioranoMQ kernel, as well as all the configuration and resource files required by the FioranoMQ Server to run in different modes. This folder contains the following sub-folders:
  • bin - Contains scripts to run the container.
  • docs - Contains documentation in pdf and the java docs in HTML format. The online docs in javadoc format are substantially similar to those released by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  • lib - Contains all the FioranoMQ libraries files. These should not be modified by the user.
  • profiles - Contains the configuration files to run the FioranoMQ Server, bridge, repeater, HA and XA enabled server.
  • samples - Contains all the java client samples which illustrate the various functionalities and features of FioranoMQ.
  • terminal - Contains a tool which allows logging into the FioranoMQ Server and user can perform various operations such as adding, deleting the destination, connection Factories.
  • utilities - Contains a route utility tool to create/remove multiple routes between destinations based on the configuration file specified while running the route utility.
  • wmt - Contains scripts to run the jetty server which connects to port 1780 by default and used by Fiorano Web Management Tool to configure and monitor FioranoMQ.
  • framework - Contains all the Fiorano framework libraries.
    • lib - Contains all the FioranoMQ libraries files. These should not be modified by the user.
    • tools - Contains Fiorano license manager tool.
    • utils - Contains XML conversion utilities.
  • jre1.7.0_60  - Contains the binaries for jre1.7.0_60 libraries(UNIX tar.gz versions do not ship JRE with them).
  • launcher - Contains the scripts that are used by the Fiorano severs and clients.
  • licenses - Contains the license files for the FioranoMQ server.
  • runtimedata - Contains the studio run-time data log files.
  • Studio - This directory contains an external administration tool that can be used to create administered objects such as topics, queues, connection factories, users, and groups. The administrator can control access to topics by setting publish/subscribe/durable-subscription permissions for each user using this tool. It also supports the transfer of data from one server to another through a simple "copy-paste" feature.
  • xml-catalog - Contains various XML files. Catalog for XSD's to be used in Schema Repositories.

Installing FioranoMQ Server

Wizard Based

FioranoMQ for Windows and UNIX platforms is available as an installable exe\bin file. FioranoMQ Installation wizard installs FioranoMQ and adds it to the startup directory (by default). In addition, the FioranoMQ wizard based installer comes bundled with a jre1.7.0_60 version from JavaSoft. The installation instructions for FioranoMQ are as follows:

  1. Launch the installer for your platform.
  2. Click the Next button. The license agreement panel will appear. Read and accept the license and click Next, the User and Company Information dialog box appears.
  3. Enter user and company information and click the Next button; the Choose Destination Location dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Change button to select the installation directory. Click the Next button; the Setup Type dialog box appears.
  5. Select the type of installation from the given option Typical, Compact or Custom. Click the Next button; the Select Program Folder dialog box appears. Choose the root location for the installation; default is \Program Files\Fiorano on windows.
  6. Click the Next button; the Ready to Install the Program dialog box appears. Here you can click the Back button to review or change the installation settings.
  7. Click the Install button; Setup Status dialog box appears with the status bar showing the files installing in your system.
  8. When all the files are installed in your system, the Installation Finish dialog box appears. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.

By default, the check box Yes, I want View FioranoMQ10.1.0 Docs is selected. You can also select the Yes, I want to Launch Fiorano Studio check box to launch the Fiorano Studio. The installation process is similar for Windows and UNIX installations.

Manual Installation

For various flavors of UNIX installations, Fiorano provides the .tar file which can be directly extracted to any location using GNU tar tools.
Select your installation directory, say /usr/home and place the .tar or .tar.gz file
On UNIX, extract them using the command:

gtar -xvzf <filename>.tar.gz 

The extracted files are created at the following location:

<Your installation dir>/Fiorano/FioranoMQ

This location relates to $FIORANO_HOME

After extraction, the user is required to modify the environment variables as per instructions in script. This script is available in the installation directory. "" script file uses the system property $JAVA_HOME if it is already set.

This installer does not include bundled JRE. Fiorano recommends installing jre1.7.0_60 on the system before installing Fiorano Server and tools. However, including the complete JDK 7 is beneficial in employing a few debugging tools on FioranoMQ Server.


The license file has the extension as .lic and is mailed to the user email address.

The user can copy the file in the licenses folder located in the $FIORANO_HOME directory.


The user can use the License Tool (GUI) to import the license file. The License Tool is also shipped with FioranoMQ. Installation instructions are also included in the e-mail which is sent on submission of a license request.

  • The above method requires the presence of Fiorano Studio in the installer.
  • The license file(s) sent to the end user is based on various parameters such as evaluation and production.

Configuring FioranoMQTT Server

To allow MQTT Connections at the FioranoMQTT Server default port (1883), please modify the Configs.xml file present in the Conf folder located at $Fiorano_home/fmq/profiles/<Profile-In-Use>(FioranoMQ). The modification required is mentioned below.

Add the parameter-value pair 'Mqtt="true"' under the "CONNECTION_MANAGER" tag.

After adding the parameter-value, the default Configs.xml file will have the following "CONNECTION_MANAGER" tag:

<CONNECTION_MANAGER FMQServer="false" Mqtt="true" ObjectName="Fiorano.socketAcceptors.port-2:ServiceType=ConnectionManager,Name=MqttConnectionManager,type=config" Port="1883"/>

Starting FioranoMQ Server

The FioranoMQ Server can be launched over the default profile using the fmq script. This script can be found in the fmq\bin folder of the installation directory. Alternatively, the same can be done on Windows using Start Menu > Programs > Fiorano > FioranoMQ > FioranoMQ Server

Launching Studio with Default Setup

Fiorano Studio can be launched from command line using the following steps:

  1. Open Console
  2. Go to %FIORANO_HOME%\Studio\bin (On UNIX, go to $FIORANO_HOME/Studio/bin)
  3. Launch studio using Studio.exe or based on the platform used.
  4. Alternatively, Fiorano Studio can be launched from Start Menu > Programs > Fiorano > FioranoMQ > FioranoMQ Studio > Fiorano Studio

Resetting Studio

Studio remembers various configurable settings. In order to reset Studio and bring it back to original default settings, use the script reset provided in the studio\bin folder of the installation directory.  

Setting up System Environment

The FioranoMQ Server, tools, and samples require various properties to be set. These properties are FIORANO_HOME, FMQ_DIR, and JAVA_HOME, and are set by fiorano_vars.bat or Both of the aforementioned are located at the base FioranoMQ installation directory. The user may also set additional parameters using this script. This script is invoked when launching the server, Studio or running/compiling samples.

Running and Compiling the Samples

FioranoMQ samples can be run using the FioranoMQ console which can be launched from Start Menu > Programs > Fiorano > FioranoMQ > FioranoMQ Console. Samples can be found at %FMQ_DIR%\samples directory. The script runClient available in the fmq\bin folder of the installation directory can be used to execute a sample while the script compile-client (available in the same directory) can be used to compile it.

Compiled class files are not shipped along with the installer, the user needs to compile them by following the instructions and prerequisites mentioned in the readme files of each sample.

Running FioranoMQ Server as Service

The FioranoMQ server can also be run as NT services. Pre-built configurations for all the shipped profiles can be found in %FMQ_DIR%\bin\service. Please refer the readme.txt file stored in this folder for detailed instructions regarding running them as NT services.

FioranoMQ Server can also be run as a service in a Unix environment.

Server Startup Parameters

FioranoMQ supports the concept for Container and deployable profiles. A number of arguments can be passed to the container while deploying a profile. These arguments are summarized below.

fmq.bat -profilesDir <Profiles home directory>
 -profile <Profile name>
 -dbPath <DB path for profile>
 -configPath <Conf path for profile>
 -saveConfigs <Persist server configurations on shutdown>

For UNIX: Use instead of fmq.bat in the above command.




Home directory where profiles will be present.
Default = %FMQ_DIR%\profiles


Profile to be deployed in Fiorano Container.
Default = FioranoMQ


Database path for the configured Profile. Default = %FMQ_DIR%\run


Conf directory path for the configured Profile.


Inquires whether or not to save server configurations on shutdown.
Default = false


Prints help options.

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