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25.2 Working with Connection Factories

25.2.1 Adding a Connection Factory

To add a new connection factory, follow the steps given below:

  1. Connect to the server as described in section 25.1.1 Over Default Configuration .
  2. Select the Connection Factories node from the Server Explorer.
  3. Right-click and select Add Connection Factory from the pop-up menu.

3. The New Connection Factory Properties dialog box is displayed. Configure these properties in accordance with the requirements of the application.

4. Click the OK button and a new Connection Factory with the specified name gets created.

25.2.2 Deleting a Connection Factory

Unwanted connection factories can be deleted by executing the steps below:

  1. Select the Connection Factories node from the Server Explorer.
  2. Select the Connection Factory name and right-click the mouse to select Delete from the pop-up menu. A Confirm Object Deletion dialog box is displayed. Click the Yes button in this dialog box.
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