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SMPPSend microservice is used to send SMS to cell phones using SMPP (Short messsage Peer to Peer) protocol. The communication will be between the Short Message Service Centre (SMSC) which is a message center and the SMS application system. 


SMEs: Short message entities
ESMEs: External Short Message Entities. Non-mobile entities that submit messages to, or receive messages from an SMSC 

Configuration and Testing

The SMPPSend component connection-related properties can be configured in the Configuration Property Sheet (CPS).


Error Handling Configuration

The remedial actions to be taken when a particular error occurs can be configured using this attribute. 

Click the ellipsis button against this property to configure Error Handling properties for different types of Errors. By default, the options Log to error logs, Stop service and Send to error port are enabled.

Refer to the Error Handling section in Common Configurations for detailed information.

SMPP Server Connection Details

Connection configuration for the SMPP server.

Host: Host name of the SMPP server 

Port: Port at which component connects to SMPP server

Binding Parameters

Bind Type

SMPP defines three modes of operation for an ESME: Transmitter, Receiver, and Transceiver.

  • Bind TX: If the bind type is a transmitter, the connection is allowed to transmit messages only over the connection, it cannot receive any messages.
  • Bind RX: If the bind type is a receiver, the connection is allowed to transmit messages only over the connection.
  • Bind TRX: If the bind type is transreciever, then message submitting and receiving both are allowed.
System ID

It is used to identify an ESME or an SMSC at bind time


The password parameter is used by the ESME to authenticate the identity of the binding SMSC

System Type

The system_type parameter is used to categorize the type of ESME that is binding to the SMSC

Type of Number

 Indicates the Type of Number of the ESME address

Numbering Plan Indicator

 Numbering Plan Indicator for ESME address

Message Configuration

Service Type

The service type parameter can be used to indicate the SMS Application service associated with the message

The following generic Service Types can be defined:

Service TypeDescription
CMTCellular Messaging
CPTCellular Paging
VMNVoice Mail Notification
VMAVoice Mail Alerting
WAPWireless Application Protocol
USSDUnstructured Supplementary Services Data
 Type of Number for Source Address

Type of Number for source address from the below options:

 Numbering Plan Indicator for Source

Numbering Plan Indicator for the source address. Options available are the same as in the above property.

Source Address

Specifies the address of the SME which originated this message.

 Type of number for Destination

Type of Number for the destination. Options available are the same as in the Type of Number for Source Address property.

 Numbering Plan indicator for Destination

Numbering Plan Indicator for the destination.  Options available are the same as in the Type of Number for Source Address property.

 Phone Number

The destination address of the short message. For mobile terminated messages, this is the directory number of the recipient MS


Short Message that has to be sent.

Expert Properties

Enable the Expert Properties view to configure these properties.

Expert properties are meant for advanced users; use them with caution.

Pre Processing XSL Configuration

Pre Processing XSL configuration can be used to transform the request message before processing it. Click the ellipses button against the property to configure the properties.

Refer to the Pre/Post Processing XSL Configuration section under the Common Configurations page for details regarding Pre-Processing XSL configuration and Post-Processing XSL configuration (below).

Post Processing XSL Configuration 

Post Processing XSL configuration can be used to transform the response message before sending it to the output port.

Process Message Based on Property

The property helps components to skip certain messages from processing.

Refer to the Process Message Based On a Property section under the Common Configurations page.

Threadpool Configuration

 This property is used when there is a need to process messages in parallel within the component, still maintaining the sequence from the external perspective. 

Refer to the Threadpool Configuration section under the Common Configurations page.

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