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Launching the Environment

Starting Server

Launching Server

The server can be launched  by directly executing a script file.

Go to the location <fiorano_installation_dir>\esb\server\bin and execute the following script with the profile option in the format specified:

server.bat/.sh -mode fes -profile esb

UNIX systems

Servers start in the Background mode by default in Unix systems. Pass the runtime argument --nobackground to the server startup script to run the server in the console mode. If the Background mode is not to be run, then execute the file from %FIORANO_HOME%/launcher so that nobackground="" is changed to nobackground="true".

Installing as a service

The batch/shell scripts required to run the Fiorano Servers as services are present at FIORANO_HOME/esb/server/bin/service

install-server.service.bat -mode fes -profile esb

NT services

NT services need to be re-installed if configuration files such as fiorano_vars.bat and server.conf need any modification.

To remove the FES NT service, run the command:

uninstall-server.service.bat -mode fes -profile esb

UNIX systems

To install/uninstall FES as a service on UNIX, refer to the ReadMeWrapperService.txt file present in the %INSTALL_DIR%/Fiorano/esb/server/bin/service directory.

Shutting down the ESB server

The server can be stopped from the Fiorano eStudio or by executing the script file located in the %INSTALL_DIR%/esb/server/bin directory. Shutting down the server automatically invokes a shutdown hook in the server’s JVM which cleans up any resources and connections used by the JVM.

Using Fiorano eStudio

To shut down the Enterprise Server, perform the following actions:

  1. Open the Server Explorer panel by navigating through Window > Show View > b> Fiorano > Server Explorer.

  2. Right-click the Enterprise Server node and click Shutdown.

  • The server can be shut down only when logged into it.

  • We recommend shutting down by using the command line (script files) than shutting down via eStudio (please refer the section below).

Using Script Files

The Enterprise Server can be shut down using the shutdown-server-script present in the <fiorano_installation_dir>/esb/server/bin folder.


shutdown-server -url tsp_tcp://localhost:1947 -user <UserName> -passwd <Password>

The default credentials are:

  • User name: admin

  • Password: passwd

The above examples of shutting down the Enterprise Server(s) involve connecting to an Active Enterprise Server whose URL is specified using the -url parameter.   


For shutting down a Standalone Server:

shutdown-server -connectorType RMI -user <UserName> -passwd <Password> -address localhost -rmiPort 2047
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