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Installing Fiorano Platform




  1. Download and install Fiorano Platform. 

The product download link shall be provided via email.

Installation is wizard-based. Refer to the Installing Fiorano Platform section.

  1. Once ready to start using the product, write to for an eval license.

  2. Copy the evaluation8*/8 license under the %FIORANO_HOME%/licenses folder.

Setting up Java

Configure Java Home in the files below:

  • fiorano_vars.bat/sh under folder %Fiorano_HOME%

  • eStudio.ini under folder %Fiorano_HOME%/eStudio.

Following is the content from the Setting up Java section.

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is essential for the proper functioning of the Fiorano Platform. For operating systems and environments with high activity, follow the procedure below to setup the JRE.


Though JRE is sufficient for general use, a Java Development Kit (JDK) is  required to build custom Java components.

Download and Install JDK

For the servers to run, JAVA1.8 Java Development Kit needs to be configured. Download and install from any of the following download links which include Oracle Java and some open JDK builds:

Set Java Home

Choose the 32-bit version or the 64-bit version depending on the architecture of the machine on which the server is located.

A 32-bit JDK can be used with 64-bit architecture, while a 64-bit JVM is highly recommended in production environments where the servers require more memory.


Once the installation is complete, the changes below need to be executed in the Fiorano Environment to use the installed JDK.


  1. Open the fiorano_vars.bat(sh) file from FIORANO_HOME.
  2. Point the variable JAVA_HOME and JDK_HOME to the location where Java is installed.


    SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Fiorano\12.2.0\jre1.8.0_231_64


  1. Open the file FIORANO_HOME/eStudio/eStudio.ini
  2. Specify the location of JAVA_HOME/bin after the line -vm

The settings present in the fiorano_vars.bat/sh file are used for servers and components as default settings. To use a separate JDK for components, change the JVM_PARAMS value present in Runtime Arguments tab under Properties.

32-bit or 64-bit eStudio launchers may be used depending on the JVM used in the system.

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