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Using Basic Authentication with the Jetty Server

Create file

This file is created to define the username, password and role for various users, which is later used in Jetty properties for basic authentication.

Create a text file with content in the following format and save in a preferred location in the peer server:

Username: Password [, Role01, Role02, ... ]	


admin: admin,admin
user: password,user
guest: guest,read-only 

Configure Jetty Server

In FPS Jetty Server, basic Authentication needs to be enabled as the Stub component is running in the FPS server. To provide the basic authentication, perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the eStudio application and open the FPS profile from Profile Management perspective, before starting the FPS server
  2. Navigate to FPS > Fiorano > Esb > Jetty > Jetty.
  3. In the Properties of Jetty panel, select BasicAuthSupported checkbox (to set basic authentication) and provide the fully qualified path for RealmProperties property (to provide RealmProperties file path).

    Figure 1: Enabling Basic Authentication
  4. Save the profile.

By this the basic authentication with the Jetty server would be complete.

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