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Getting Started with Fiorano eStudio

Launching eStudio

Navigate to $FIORANO_HOME/eStudio and run the eStudio executable file.

If eStudio file in $FIORANO_HOME/eStudio does not have executable permission, please use the following commands:


chmod +x $FIORANO_HOME/eStudio/eStudio


chmod +x $FIORANO_HOME/eStudio/

Setting JDK Version

Please make sure that $JAVA_HOME points to JDK 1.8 (or higher versions that is used).

To check the Java version, use the following command:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version


To launch eStudio with a JDK version other than the default version in the system, perform the following actions:

  1. Open the eStudio.ini file by navigating through FIORANO_HOME/eStudio

  2. In the file, add the following lines one below the other (two different lines) as mentioned below:


    The option –vm has to be added above the "-vmargs" line 


Perform the following actions for Mac OS:

  1. Edit the "Info.plist" located in $FIORANO_HOME/eStudio/ directory
  2. Add <string>-vm</string><string>JAVA_HOME/Contents/Home/jre/lib/server/libjvm.dylib</string> under the second array element and save the file.
  3. Run the script eStudio located in $FIORANO_HOME/eStudio/ directory.
  • On Windows 7 and later, the user must have admin permissions for Fiorano Location to work with eStudio. If not, eStudio must be launched using the option “Run as Administrator”
  • Graphic providers like XServer should be enabled in the system from which eStudio is launched.


To start eStudio in Solaris, use JDK 1.8, 32 bit.

Please follow the steps mentioned in the Getting Started with Fiorano eStudio#Windows/Linux section above.

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