As explained in the Use Case, you need to create two Event Processes. Below sections take you through both of them.
Event Process to Receive Data
This Event Process acts as an Endpoint and is part of the solution. To create the event process, perform the following actions:
Create an Event Process (right-click Event Process Repository node in Server Explorer pane, under Enterprise Server node) with name 'B2BHostReceiver'.
Select Mode as 'b2b' to show the event process under Applications view in the Fiorano B2B Dashboard and thereby manage the Event Process from the Dashboard.
Figure 1: Creating an Event Process selecting b2b mode
Add the components B2BConnector and Display from B2B and Util categories respectively in the MicroService Palette.
After the B2BConnector is dragged to the Orchestration Editor, notice that the Input ports or output ports do not appear.
Rename the Display component as 'HostDisplay' to distinguish it from the Display component that will be used in the next Event Process which used for demonstration.
Figure 2: B2BHostReceiver with B2BConnector without ports and renamed Display
Configure the B2BConnector
Double-click the B2BConnector to open the Configuration Property Sheet (CPS) and perform the following actions to configure the component.
In the B2BConnectorConfiguration dialog box, click the small button corresponding to Message Type Binding ID Configuration option.
In the MTB ID Selection Configuration dialog box, click Add.
In the Message Type Binding Id Selection, select the bindings (use CTRL/SHIFT key to select more Binding IDs in such a case), click OK twice, and then click Finish to complete the configuration.
Figure 3: Message Type Binding Id Selection
Create the Flow
After the configuration is completed, notice that the output port appears in the B2B. Connect the B2B component from its output port to the Display component input port.
Figure 4: Event Process flow created after B2BConnector configuration
Before moving on to the next section, check Resource and Connectivity (press ALT+SHIFT+C or click ).
Event Process to Send Data
Create an Event Process (EP) using AS2Connector service to send messages over AS2.
This event process acts as an external entity. This is created just for demonstration purpose, whereas in a real life scenario, this can be any other external entity participating in communication as partner.
AS2Connector is used because it is a component to send/receive messages as per AS2 protocol, the protocol used in B2B Dashboard configuration for illustration purpose.
To create the event process, perform the following actions:
Add an Event Process with name 'PartnerAS2Sender'.
Add the AS2Connectorcomponent from Web category.
Also add Feeder and Display components from Util category in the MicroService Palette.
Feeder is used to provide input to the AS2Connector component and Display is used to show acknowledgement.
Rename the Display component as 'SenderDisplay' to distinguish it from the Display component used in the B2BHostReceiver EP.
Figure 5: PartnerAS2Sender EP with AS2Connector without ports, and renamed Display
Configure AS2Connector
Double-click the AS2Connector to configure the component. In the AS2 CPS, provide the below details and click Finish:
Connector Mode: Send
URI: http://<Host >:<Port>/<Context Name>
Host, Port and Context Name are the values as in the Host AS2 Configuration in B2B Dashboard (refer "Configure Host Protocol Channel" section in this document)
Figure 6: Configuring AS2Connector component
Click Next till the last panel in the CPS to find the Finish button.
Refer AS2Connector documentation to explore other options present in this component.
Configure Feeder
As the input and output ports appear after the AS2Connector configuration, connect the components in the following manner:
Output port of Feeder to the input port of AS2Connector
Output port of AS2Connector to the SenderDisplay component.
Figure 7: Flow created after AS2Connector configuration
Now, Feeder needs to be configured by attaching the AS2Connector schema to it.
To configure Feeder, perform the following actions:
Double-click the Feeder to open the CPS.
In the Message Type Configuration panel, click Connected Port Schemas button
In the Connected ports pop-up window, select the AS2Connector Input port to bind the AS2Connector schema to the Feeder.
Figure 8: Connecting Port schemas in Feeder CPS
As the Schema appears in the Schema editor, click Next. In the Message Details Configuration page, click the Generate Sample button to load sample input.
Under No.of Repeatable elements to be generated section in the XSD Sample Generation Dialog window, replace max value '3' with '1' so that only one output is generated, and click OK.
In the sample generated, delete the file tag (file="file") and retain the Content Type tag and replace the text "string" with a meaningful text, for example "Sample message" used in this example.
Figure 9: Editing the Sample Generated
Click Finish to complete the Feeder configuration.
Before moving on to the next section, check Resource and Connectivity (press ALT+SHIFT+C or click).
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