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Configuring Enterprise and Peer Servers in different Networks

The Fiorano ESB Server (FES) is the single point of management and administration for the ESB network. It is the Centralized Management Server which manages the various components of the Fiorano Network and acts as a Metadata Repository of Event Processes and Fiorano Business components. The FES is primarily a JMS Server (FioranoMQ Messaging Server) wrapped with additional role-specific functionalities. The FES communicates with the FPS using the underlying JMS server and expose well-defined JMX and Java API to communicate with the tools.

While Data Communication occurs Peer-to-Peer, Control-data flows between the Enterprise and the Peers. The types of Control Events handled by the ESB Server include service component state notifications, event process state notifications, HA events, and document tracking events.

ESB Services (including application/business logic as well as fundamental transformation, routing, connectivity and distribution services) may be deployed and managed from any physical location across the enterprise network.

Services need to communicate reliably with each other over the network. A reliable, scalable, robust, and location-independent communications system dramatically reduces the development time for distributed systems while increasing reliability and hence a Standards-based communication infrastructure (for example, JMS) is followed in Fiorano ESB.

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