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Installing on Solaris X86

To install the Fiorano Platform on the Solaris X86 platform, perform the steps below:

  1. Download the latest Fiorano Installer from

    Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to JDK 1.8 (or a higher version as installed).

  2. Once the file is downloaded, open the terminal at the location where the file fioranoX.X.X_bXXXX_ intel.bin is located.
  3. Give the executable permissions to the file by using the command:

    chmod +x fioranoX.X.X_bXXXX_intel.bin
  4. Execute the bin file using the command below, which opens up an Installation Wizard where the installation details can be provided:

    ./fioranoX.X.X_bXXXX_ intel.bin

    In case of an error during the above process, check the integrity of the downloaded Installer file by following the steps in the Verifying Installer Integrity  section.

  5. Follow Steps 3 to 10 mentioned in the Installing on Windows section to complete the installation.

Post Installation Reference

  • To migrate from an older Fiorano version to the new one, follow the steps mentioned in the Migration Across Releases section.
  • For details on how to start and use the Fiorano ESB Servers, please refer to the Developing  section.
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