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Installing on Mac OS

Installing Fiorano Platform

To install the Fiorano Platform on Mac OS platform, perform the actions below:

  1. Download the latest Fiorano Installer from

    • Select 'Mac' while downloading.
    • Once the file is downloaded, check its integrity by following the steps in the Verifying Installer Integrity section.
  2. Double-click the file or execute the command below to install the Fiorano Platform. 

    tar xvfz fioranoX.X.X_bXXXX_macosx-cocoa.tar.gz 

Prerequisites for eStudio

Before launching eStudio

Perform the following actions before launching eStudio to setup the Java Home path correctly:

  1. Go to %FIORANO_HOME%/eStudio/ and open the Info.plist file.
  2. Add the following string:

    <string>-vm</string> <string>%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java</string>

    If eStudio does not start by adding the above script, please replace the line with the below script:


After launching eStudio

Perform the following actions right after launching eStudio to setup the Java Home path:

  1. Open eStudio and go to Windows > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs.
  2. Click Add, provide the JAVA_HOME path and click Apply.

  3. Go to the Compiler option under the same subsection "Java".
  4. Choose the respective JDK version from the Compiler Compliance level drop-down.

Setting Java runtime library for mac

Edit the file before creating a custom microservice.

  1. Go to %FIORANO_HOME%/antscripts and open the file.
  2. Provide the JAVA_HOME path for the mac.jre.lib.dir property under the line "# path to the java run time library for mac" replacing the existing one - "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Classes".



Adding additional System Properties

Perform the following actions to add additional system properties:

  1. Go to %FIORANO_HOME%/eStudio/ and open the Info.plist file.
  2. Add the following string:



  3. Save the Info.plist file.


Post Installation Reference

  • To migrate from an older Fiorano version to the new one, follow the steps mentioned in the Migration Across Releases section.
  • For details on how to start and use the Fiorano ESB Servers, please refer to the Developing section.
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