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From RIM

API projects can be created from RIM file(s) using From RIM option. RIM specification allows you to define REST APIs as per HATEOAS principles.

For more information about RIM specification, refer to the link:

Adding the Project

To add a RIM project, click the Add icon and click the From RIM option.

Providing Basic Attributes

Provide values for attributes following descriptions in the table below.

Project display nameA name to act as Project ID to identify the project.
VersionRevision number of the project. For example, 1.0 for a project being newly added and 1.1 or 2.0 for the next revision.
Target base pathTarget server URL where the app needs to use the service.
Proxy Context Path

This is a text used to combine with the version number to act as an identifier to map a particular deployed project. The proxy resolves context path mappings prior to applying any matching policies (explained in subsequent topics).

  • Proxy Context Path combined with version number must be unique for every project.
  • Different versions of the same project (same project name with different version number) can have the same Context Path.
Import from .rim/.zip fileClick this button to browse and choose the RIM file or the ZIP file where RIM files are compressed. If the RIM files are part of the directory structure, they can be zipped retaining the folder structure and the zip file can be provided as an input.

Importing the RIM file

  1. Click the Import from .rim/.zip file button and add the file from where it is saved.
  2. Click the Parse RIM button to load the resources present in the RIM file.
  3. Resources that are part of the RIM get listed; choose the resources that need to be part of the project.
  4. Click Finish and click Save or press Next for API customization and product mapping.

API Customization and Product Mapping

A resource is created in a project for each path-method combination that is selected. 

After clicking the Next button, it is possible to perform API Customization and Product Mapping in the subsequent screens.

Bulk API Customization

While importing, an option is provided to decide if the customization must be done at the project level or resource level. If the project level is selected, the customization is applicable to all the resources in the project. If a fine-grained application of policies is required, it can be configured using the Resource Level option where the customization can be different for different resources.

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