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Backing up API Projects

API Projects can be backed up at any point in time by using the Download button. Perform the following actions:

  1. Select the projects that need to be backed up.
  2. Click the Download button.
  3. Click any one of the following options depending on the preference of format in which the projects have to be downloaded:
    1. Zip
    2. Swagger
    3. OpenAPI

The selected projects get downloaded instantly as a file of the format chosen to the default download location.

Projects can be saved individually by opening the project and clicking the Download button.

Exporting a project in SDK format

A project can be saved in SDK format individually.

Multiple projects cannot be exported in SDK format.

To back up a project in SDK format,

  1. Open the project and click the Download button and click the SDK option.

  2. Choose the respective programming language from the Select a language drop-down.

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