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Managing Analytics Data

Analytics data can be backed up, imported and deleted altogether. Buttons present below the Reports button on the upper-right part of the screen help to backup, restore and delete the analytics data. Sections below explain the same:

Backup Data

This feature enables storing a copy of Analytics Data for a specified period.

Figure 1: Attributes required to backup data

Server GroupName of the environment from where the data backup needs to be done.
From and ToSpecify the date range for which the data backup needs to be done.
Backup File Path

Location where the backup data needs to be stored along with the file name.



Postgres bin Directory

Location of "bin" directory in the Postgre installation path.


C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL9.5.5\pg95\bin 

Purge Analytics DataDeletes the data from the system after taking the copy of the same.

Import Data

Imports the data that is backed up using the Backup Data feature explained in the section above.

Figure 2: Attributes required to import data

Restore File Path

Location of the backed up data file.



Postgres bin Directory

Location of "bin" directory in the Postgre installation path.


C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL9.5.5\pg95\bin

Server GroupName of the environment to which data needs to be imported.

Delete Data

Erases the data completely for the period specified.

Figure 3: Attributes required to delete data

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