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LDAP Resources

LDAP Server connection details can be configured in the LDAP Resources panel. This configuration enables to use of the LDAP Policy.

Click the LDAP Resources icon on the left side of the Administration screen to manage LDAP Resources.

Click the Add icon to add an LDAP resource and assign values for the parameters that appear on the right side when the newly added resource name is selected.

Figure 1: Properties of a newly added LDAP Resource

After configuring the LDAP Resource with the properties described below, the resource can be used while configuring the LDAP policy.

NameUnique Name of LDAP Resource
URLURL to connect to LDAP Server
Is SSL EnabledEnable if SSL security is required
VersionLDAP Server version
AuthenticationThe Authentication type to be used
User Attribute NameProvide the name of the user-defined attribute.
Admin DNLDAP System user name
Admin PasswordLDAP System password
Connection Provider

Connection Providers are:

  • jndi
  • unboundid 
Server Set Type

Server Set Types are:

  • single
  • roundrobin
  • failover

Not Applicable for JNDI

LDAP Connector Class

Default option uses the built-in LDAP Connector.

If LDAP Policy with a custom LDAP provider is being used, specify the fully qualified LDAP connector class, that is, the class in which the LdapConnectionProvider interface is implemented.

Is Connection Pool EnabledEnable if connection pooling is required
TimeoutConnection timeout value
Maximum ConnectionsMaximum number of connections when connection pooling is enabled
Preferred SizePreferred size of the pool when connection pooling is enabled
Init SizeInitial number of connections when connection pooling is enabled
ProtocolProtocol used to connect to the LDAP server
Additional Environment Properties
The Environment properties that can be used while creating the LDAP server context. Click the Add icon to assign additional parameters.

Refer to the LDAP Policy section to understand LDAP policy implementation.

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