To start Nodejs inside a gateway server, perform the following actions.
Open the gateway server profile in eStudio.
Go to Fiorano > Esb > NodeJs > NodeJsand enable the EnableStart property.
Ensure that the Gateway server is not running.
By default, a script file which starts a webserver is configured for 'ScriptFilePath' at $FioranoHomeInstaller\esb\samples\nodejs\httpserver. The path can be changed by editing the ScriptFilePath property and the script file can be customized if required by accessing the file from the saved location.
Figure 1: Enabling EnableStart property
Press CTRL+S or click the Save icon to save the profile.
Go to Installer\extlib\j2v8 and retain only the jar related to the corresponding OS after deleting other OS-related jars.
Stop the AMS server if it is running in the same system where AGS is running.
Create a folder named "jni" at Installer\esb\server\bin folder.
Extract the j2v8 jar and copy the following file to the jni folder.
Windows: .dll
Linux: .so
mac: .dylib
Delete the extracted folder.
Start the peer server and check the following statement in the peer console which acknowledges that the Nodejs server is started inside the peer server:
Started NodeJs Http server on port 8000
Figure 2: Acknowledgement message appearing on the gateway server console
To check if the connection is established, invoke the following URL in the browser, which ideally gives "Hello World" as the response:
Figure 3: Testing the connection
JavaScript errors detected
Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.
If this problem persists, please contact our support.