Containerization of Fiorano Applications
Containerization helps in quicker deployments by bundling the applications with the pre-configured files. These containerized applications can be deployed, managed, monitored, and scaled using container management tools such as Kubernetes. Fiorano supports containerization by creating Docker images and deploying them in Kubernetes setup. Automatic Horizontal scaling of microservices can be configured wherein the nodes can be increased when the demand increases and decreased when the demand decreases.
Containerization using Docker containers is designed to run servers on physical as well as virtual machines, cloud clusters, public instances, etc. Fiorano supports containerization, hence enhancing scalability, high availability, sharing of workload, and application deployment.
The Fiorano Servers are containerized in a docker image for easy deployment and scaling at the user end. Docker containers wrap up the servers and their environment without the need for initial environment configuration. Kubernetes is used as a container orchestration tool for deploying the Fiorano SOA in a cluster while managing load balancing and also increasing fault tolerance. Fiorano SOA is compressed as an image and then deployed on to the Kubernetes cluster.
Refer to the sections below, which illustrate creating Docker images and deploying them in Kubernetes setup: