Configuring Cassandra Data Store URL, Keyspace values, and Backup DB
Data Store URL: API management installation preconfigures the datastore URL for the IP address of the local system (localhost) and the port number (9042). If the Cassandra server is running on a different system, the cassandra datastore URL needs to be configured in the API Management and API Gateway server profiles accordingly.
Keyspace Values: Similarly, the keyspace is also preconfigured as "API". The default value can be changed as per requirement.
Backup DB: If the cassandra server is not running in the system or it got shut down due to some reason the API server restarts with the configured Backup Cassandra DB server details if it is enabled.
The sections below illustrate steps to configure the Datastore URL as well as the Keyspace in the API Management Server and API Gateway server respectively.
API Management Server (AMS)
Configuring DataStoreURL for AMS
If the Backup DB configuration is set up, the API server connects to the Backup DB server if the DB server stops running for any reason.
Before starting the AMS Server, perform the following actions to provide the DataStoreURL in the Server profile.
- Open the eStudio Profile Management view.
- Navigate through the server profile <ServerProfile> > APIMANAGER > Fiorano > APIManager > DeveloperApps > DeveloperAppsManager.
In the DataStoreURL property under the Properties of DeveloperAppsManager panel, provide the IP address or hostname of the machine where the Cassandra DB is running and the port on which it is listening to.
Replace "localhost" with the actual IP address as provided in the rpc_address property in the cassandra.yaml file present in the conf directory in the Cassandra installation location.
Figure 1: DataStoreURL property in the AMS profile
Configuring Keyspace for AMS
To configure keyspace with the new value (the default value is "API"), edit the KeyspaceName property present below the DataStoreURL property explained above.
The same URL and keyspace name has to be configured in all API Gateway servers as well. However, avoid configuring the same values for different Fiorano environments.
Configuring Backup DB for AMS
If the Backup DB configuration is set up, the API server connects to the Backup DB server if the DB server stops running for any reason.
Before starting the AMS Server, perform the following actions to provide the DataStoreURL in the Server profile.
- Scroll down the properties in the Properties of DeveloperAppsManager panel,.
Select the EnableBackupConfig checkbox.
Scroll down the Properties of DeveloperAppsManager panel to see the property.
Provide the following details which are required for the Backup DB connection:
Property Description Default value BackupUserName Cassandra DB server username cassandra BackupPassword Cassandra DB server password cassandra BackupDataStoreURL Provide the IP address or hostname of the machine where the Cassandra DB is running and the port on which it is listening to. NA BackupKeyspaceName Keyspace in Cassandra is a namespace that defines data replication on nodes. AP BacupReplicationFactor Store the replica on the number of nodes. 1 BackupDatabaseName Name of the database meant for backup. cassandra
Figure 2: Backup DB configuration properties in the AMS profile
Trace in AMS
Configuring API and keyspace for Trace
API Trace tracks API calls passing through the API management server and stores into the cassandra database. Edit the DataStoreURL at <ServerProfile> > APIMANAGER > Fiorano > APIManager > trace > APITraceManager to configure the database.
To configure the keyspace with a new value (the default value is "API"), edit the KeyspaceName property present below the DataStoreURL property explained above.
Figure 3: Keyspace property for API Trace in AMS profile
Configuring Backup DB for Trace
If the Backup DB configuration is set up, the API server connects to the Backup DB server if the DB server stops running for any reason.
Before starting the AMS Server, perform the following actions to provide the DataStoreURL in the Server profile.
- Scroll down the properties in the Properties of APITraceManager panel.
Select the EnableBackupConfig checkbox.
Provide the following details which are required for the Backup DB connection:
Property Description Default value BackupUserName Cassandra DB server username cassandra BackupPassword Cassandra DB server password cassandra BackupDataStoreURL Provide the IP address or hostname of the machine where the Cassandra DB is running and the port on which it is listening to. NA BackupKeyspaceName Keyspace in Cassandra is a namespace that defines data replication on nodes. AP BackupReplicationFactor Store the replica on the number of nodes. 1 BackupDatabaseName Name of the database meant for backup. cassandra
Figure 4: Backup DB configuration properties for API Trace in the AMS profile
API Gateway Server (AGS)
This is the server on which projects are deployed. Clients connect to the AGS server before their traffic is stored for analysis and then requests are redirected to the backend target URLs.
There can be multiple Gateway servers running on a single network controlled by an API Management Server.
Configuring DataStoreURL for AGS
Before starting the AGS Server, perform the following actions to provide the DataStoreURL in the Server profile.
- Open the eStudio Profile Management view.
- Navigate through the server profile <ServerProfile> > APIGATEWAY > Fiorano > APIGateway > APIGatewayManager
Provide the IP address of the machine where the Cassandra DB is running in DataStoreURL property.
Provide the actual IP address as provided in the rpc_address property in the cassandra.yaml file instead of "localhost".
Figure 5: DataStoreURL property in the AGS profile
Configuring Keyspace for AGS
To configure the keyspace with the new value (the default value is "API"), edit the KeyspaceName property present below the DataStoreURL property.
The URL and keyspace name have to be the same as configured in the API Manager. However, avoid configuring same values for different Fiorano environments.
Configuring Backup DB for AGS
Before starting the AGS Server, perform the following actions to provide the DataStoreURL in the Server profile.
- Open the eStudio Profile Management view.
- Navigate through the server profile <ServerProfile> > APIGATEWAY > Fiorano > APIGateway > APIGatewayManager.
Select the EnableBackupConfig checkbox.
Scroll down the Properties of APIGatewayManager panel to see the property.
Provide the following details which are required for the Backup DB connection:
Property Description Default value BackupUserName Cassandra DB server username cassandra BackupPassword Cassandra DB server password cassandra BackupDataStoreURL Provide the IP address or hostname of the machine where the Cassandra DB is running and the port on which it is listening to. NA BackupKeyspaceName Keyspace in Cassandra is a namespace that defines data replication on nodes. AP BacupReplicationFactor Store the replica on the number of nodes. 1
Figure 6: Backup database properties in the AGS profile