API Governance
API Governance requires APIs developed across the API manager to be consistent, stable, and reliable. This can be achieved in Fiorano API management using the approaches mentioned n the sections below.
API versioning
APIs can be easily versioned using the Fiorano API management tool. This helps in maintaining different versions of the same API where older versions could still be in use by developers.
Refer to the Upgrading or Copying a Project section.
API Deprecation
Versioning effectively helps deprecating APIs much easier. A proper deprecation policy benefits the developers using these APIs because of the stability it provides. Developers will know what to expect, as APIs are deprecated, and the API manager can control when and how APIs are eventually retired from use.
Fiorano API Management provides Active, Deprecated, Retired status to every API project.
API Documentation
APIs need to be documented carefully to convey to developers what can and cannot be done with those. This can be achieved by proper API documentation.
Project Permissions
API projects can be governed using user privileges as well. These include permissions that can be configured to who can view, edit or deploy a project. Only those users who have the required permissions are allowed to manage the project.
Refer to the Permissions section.