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Running a Hello World sample using public image

Perform the followng actons to run and test Fiorano Docker image:

  1. Pull and run Fiorano docker image using the command:

    docker run -p 1880:1880 -p 1980:1980 -p 2047:2047 -p 1947:1947 -p 1847:1847 -p 1867:1867 -it --name fioranohelloworld fiorano1/fiorano-microservice-helloworld:latest
  2. Open the ESB dashboard using the URL http://localhost:1980/ESBDashboard in a browser and login using the default admin credentials: admin/passwd.
  3. Go to ServicesRESTful services on the left navigation panel. A sample REST application will be displayed on the right side. Click the Test button to test the API.

    Alternatively, invoke the following URL from the browser or any REST client applications such as Postman or Soapui:

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