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The main page of a project shows three tabs on the left navigation panel. Under API Project tab, the Overview section is displayed by default.

Figure 1: API Project Summary section

The Overview section displays a project's basic information available for clients in the Developer portal. Most of the documentation is automatically generated based on policy definitions as well as any conversions across the proxy pipeline.

This section displays the summary of the project represented by the properties as described below.

Proxy Base Path

The Project Context Path provided while creating the project.

  • Different versions can have the same Proxy Base Path name.
  • Proxy Base Path name can be changed to a different one by editing the text field.
VersionVersionnumber of the project provided while creating the project. This drop down shows different versions of the project available. On selecting any version, that particular project will be opened.
Date CreatedDate and time of the creation of the project.
Last ModifiedDate and time of last modification of the project.

Present status of the project.

Status can be changed by choosing the options in the drop-down list as below:

  • Active - A normal API Project that can be launched and used in API products for clients.
  • Deprecated - API Projects can be deprecated to restrict them from being added to new API Products for clients when a better alternative is available. A Deprecated API project continues to work in existing API Products but cannot be added to new Products.
  • Retired -  A Retired API Project indicates that the project is obsolete and cannot be used. Projects cannot be launched if they are marked Retired.

Figure 2: Status options in the List box


Provide a keyword for the project. This tag can be used to find this particular project while filtering projects.

Short DescriptionProvide a short description of the project.
Long Description

Provide a detailed description of the project.

If the description exceeds the text field, click more to expand the text field and view the entire data without scrolling.

After editing, ensure clicking the Save API Project 

button to apply changes made to the project.

While editing values of properties Proxy Base Path or Status (prior to saving it), Reset button may be used to revert to default values.

Users can add further information about the business applications of the resources and their applicability. The documentation corresponding to a particular resource can be configured by selecting the resource and configuring its documentation which is classified into following sections:


This section comprises of optional data input fields where more details about the resource can be added to be displayed in the Developer portal.

Short DescriptionProvide a short description of the resource.
Long Description

Provide a detailed description of the resource.

If the description exceeds the text field, click more to expand the text field and view the entire data without scrolling.

ConsumesProvide the incoming request type. This generally corresponds to the Content-Type header of the incoming request from the client.
ProducesProvide the output response type after calling the target API. This generally corresponds to Accept header of the incoming request from the client.
Input DescriptionProvide details about the input to the resource.
Output DescriptionProvide details about the output from the resource
Input SampleProvide a sample of the input request. This can be very helpful for developers using the API.
Output SampleProvide a sample of the output response. This can be very helpful for developers using the API.

Figure 2: Details section under Documentation


Different parameters that are part of the invocation of the resource are automatically generated and relevant documentation is generated.

NameName of the parameter.
TypeType of the parameter (Form Param / Header / Query Param).
Default ValueDefault value of this parameter.
DescriptionDetails of this parameter.
Is RequiredWhether the parameter is mandatory or optional.

Figure 3: Parameters section under Documentation

Custom Parameters

Parameters which are not automatically generated  but may be required for the target server or any service call out can be added using this section. Add parameters by clicking the Add button to add more parameters.

Type-in the parameters in the respective text fields and select from the drop-downs below.

Type:  Select from the options as below

  • Form Param
  • Header
  • Query Param

Is Required: select from the options true/false

Figure 4: Customer Parameters section under Documentation

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